Spain and the importance of family

Family holds a special place within the Spanish values. It is a symbol of safety, integrity, recognition, and, above all, love.
Despite the social changes that the family model has experienced within the last few years, Spaniards still turn to family as their first social reference. Within their family, people acquire the moral values which identify them for the rest of their lives and transform them into social and competent beings. The goal of this social institution is to provide a safety net so that we may develop and find ourselves in a favourable environment of coexistence. That is why people want it to be recognized and protected.
Family has been a dynamic institution throughout history, adapting to the different times at different speeds. The increasingly higher presence of women in work life, gender equality, the late emancipation of young people, are just some of the consequences of social changes that we experience in our daily life. That being said, family remains the main focus of coexistence.
That is why, despite the passing of time, we Spaniards still consider the family model to be the beginning, developmental drive and safe-ending for all of us, where we all show ourselves as we really are, as we feel accepted, loved and respected.
Spanish families are mostly known for being welcoming to outsiders. We work hard to make them feel at home: loved, respected and cared for. Displays of affection, reduced personal distance and the effort put forth so that a person does not feel lonely are some of the features that define us.
Yet not all cultures share the same closeness, so you don’t have to feel pressured by these Spanish customs when you come to visit. We are also tolerant and respectful of people who feel more comfortable by limiting their personal space. We encourage you to share these feelings with us so we may understand one another better and maintain an open, pleasant and honest relationship. In the blog entry HOW OUR TRIPS ARE ORGANIZED, we talk about some cultural differences that we face when comparing life in Canada and Spain. Feel free to take a look.