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Get connected to a new language and make friends!!

The Spanish Pen Pal Project was born with the aim of satisfying the current demand of schools and students, this demand being the importance of real communication for the purposes of learning a new language.

Given the communicative needs and the limitations of teachers in the classroom, Ken’s Education Group offers teachers and students a versatile tool guaranteed by the quality and aims of our company.

A pedagogical team will analyze profiles and match Spanish and British students focusing on their interests, hobbies, concerns and availability of the students from both countries for scheduling.
The program has been created taking into account any concerns that the parents may have about sending their teenage child abroad, and also the shock that the students may face when leaving their country for the first time. The students will enjoy a safe and fun environment to learn the language and experience cultural differences.

Although it may seem simple, this tool can be used in a versatile way in the classroom: as a class exercise that supports the didactic units being worked on, as an individual Pen Pal Project, as part of a subject’s evaluation, as a research project, as a support class offered by the school or merely as an extracurricular activity of the school, perhaps as a social club at lunch times. Each teacher or school can adapt it according to their interests, needs or the objectives of their students. In addition, by using it as an international project, the schools may benefit from provincial or national grants designed for this purpose.
Students who enroll in the program will need to commit to participate in the project without missing any scheduled sessions, both during school hours and outside and will receive a manual adapted to their level of Spanish / English, with the guidelines that they should comply with for the correct development of each session. Additionally, on our web, they will have a space that they will share with their partner where they can download the activities and upload them again to be reviewed.
In turn, teachers will ONLY be involved in the project if they wish, as they are not committed or obligated to do so.
Once the project has been approved by the management team, Ken’s will provide those students who wish to participate with a form to fill in with their information. Once the profiles of the students are analysed, the pairings will be made and the schedules will be arranged. Depending on the degree of involvement from the school, the teacher will be given the information he or she needs for possible evaluations.
Topics that will be discussed
1- Studies and professions: studies, school, extracurricular activities
2- People and free time: family, friends and hobbies
3- Your everyday environment: your house and your room
4- Food and diet: menu, explain recipes
5- Culture and customs: meeting with friends, leisure
6- Clothing and climate: packing your suitcase, seasons and weather
7- Celebrations: birthdays, Christmas, local festivities
8- Stereotypes of countries: agree or disagree
Versatility and adaptability to the objectives of the school/teacher/students.
Endorsed by a trustworthy, family-centered company with high quality programs.
Students will communicate with foreign students with similar profiles, with common hobbies and interests. A positive handicap to favour communication and dialogue.
Teachers will only be involved in the project to the extent that they choose to be.
The schools will offer their students an extra of quality that will set them apart from other schools.
Those schools that wish to do so may benefit from provincial/national grants designed to encourage the communication of students internationally and the acquisition of second languages.
Students will receive a manual adapted to their level of Spanish/English, with the tasks they must do, and with clear instructions for each session.
Those teachers who wish to do so will be able to follow the program through the Ken’s platform, where students will post their assignments and corrections.
The Spanish Pen Pal Project is designed to promote language learning for students who take the subject of English as a second language, and / or who have an interest in doing a cultural exchange between Spain and the United Kingdom.
Students can enroll regardless of their level of English. The suggested grades to carry out this project are:
Spain: 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO.
United Kingdom: Year 8, 9, 10 and 11.
Bring students closer to the Spanish/British culture
Encourage oral expression and communication among students
Encourage self-study and research methodology
Practice of a new language in a dynamic way
Use of new technologies in a correct and practical way to learn a second language
The main objective is for students to acquire pragmatic, linguistic and sociocultural skills appropriate for their level so that they can become:
A social agent: interact in a simple way in order to satisfy their immediate needs related to everyday life, and develop complex communication mechanisms.
An intercultural speaker: they are aware of their own culture and the world’s cultural diversity.
An autonomous learner: cooperate with your partner through the exchange of experiences, feelings, tastes… and plan their learning sessions through a section of previous exercises and an evaluation.
The students will work on a series of topics of common interest for a mutual understanding and an approach to the customs of each country.
Before each session the students will receive the material they will have to work on individually to later share with their partner in conversation.
After the session, each side of the pairing will evaluate the individual work of their partner.
The course will be divided into 8 sessions of 1 hour duration each. The sessions will be weekly and in each of them, a different topic will be covered. The timing of the class will be: 30 minutes dedicated to Spain, speaking Spanish, and 30 minutes to UK, where they will speak in English. The students will receive a series of indications before the meeting to be able to work on the topic at home and look for some type of information that is useful and interesting. At the end of the session, the students will correct their partner’s work.
The sessions will be done via Skype or Facetime, for which a calendar will be set that, fits both the Spanish & British schedules. The student will have the obligation to participate in all sessions actively. Likewise, they will commit themselves to evaluate their companion weekly and to correct the mistakes that they may make during the conversation.
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