Educational level in Aragón - above the spanish average

In Aragón, cultural diversity is present in the classroom as well, reaching 12% in Secondary Education and Bachillerato (grade 11/12), and slightly higher in professional studies. Eastern European and African countries have the highest representation.
Aragón continues investing in teachers. That is why every year there are more and more of them in the region, and it shows in the results of the admission test scores for university entry, which are amongst the highest in Spain.
Students from Aragón stand out in subjects like Chemistry or Geography (highest average in the country), as well as the Arts and Humanities. The work of our teachers to instill a civilized education based on social values in their students is evident within the educational projects that the schools undertake each year. Sports and outdoor activities also play an essential part in education, as shown by the many Spanish champions amongst the sport clubs in Aragón, both in male and female volleyball, athletics or basketball.
Fully aware of the importance of multilingualism in schools, our teachers work hard so that their students can acquire a second language as seamlessly as possible, that language mostly being English in Aragón. Our work consists of advising these schools about how to tackle linguistic immersion within the school curriculum, taking into account the student’s age, progression and the competencies they need to develop. There are other languages present in the classroom, such as French, or German, of which students from Aragón stand out above the Spanish average.
Aragón enjoys an outstanding quality of life. Students spend a significant amount of their time doing extra-curricular activities, including attending the Official Music School, sports, dance, languages, visual arts or drama. We are aware of the importance of these activities for Canadian students that is why our exchange program is specially tailored with a wide variety of extra-curricular activities reflecting Spain and its culture. Cooking workshops, flamenco dance or Spanish music are some of the most requested by our exchange students.