Our host families, a guarantee of success in Ken's Programs

Many of you ask what criteria we use to select our host families, and our answer is always the same: after checking a number of basic rules, such as criminal records of the family members 18+ living in the home, parents’ work, as well as safety and cleanliness of the home, we focus on the members of the family, to confirm that they are good people and are capable of hosting at this moment in their lives.
By “good people” we mean those who always act in an honest way, can put themselves in other people’s shoes, can forgive mistakes and respect the others’ freedom. Good people are optimists, who get past the mistakes of others and look at the future with hope. They are tolerant, live every day with no regrets for what they don’t have, and are thankful for what they do. In short, being a good person is a universal quality common to all our languages, and can be summarized as doing good.
Host families are a cornerstone of the program, as they will be key in helping the student forge the first links with our language and culture. That is why our host family selection is not merely materialistic – human value is paramount. If a student feels loved, respected and supported, they’ll be able to express themselves, make their own decisions and accept those made by their family for a pleasant coexistence.
Our best reward is witnessing the complicity between the host family, the student and their own family. This relationship exceeds in many cases the mere formality of the exchange and turns into real friendship, which typically ends up with the students visiting each other in their respective countries. This cultural exchange is a guarantee of success. Everywhere in the world there are “good people”, it is our task to unite them.