Plates you should try if you travel to Spain

Spanish gastronomy is as rich and diverse as the country’s history itself. Different cultures have left their mark in the history of Spanish cuisine, making it one of the most recognized around the world for the wide variety of its gastronomic offer.
There are many dishes that you should try if you travel to Spain, especially its best traditional food, considered by many connoisseurs to be in the top two in Europe. Here are some recommendations.
1. Gazpacho
A cold soup that is part of the diet of the Spanish in spring and summer, mainly in the regions of Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia, the latter being where it originated. There are different recipes to prepare it, but the most popular is the Andalusian, which uses tomatoes, peppers, garlic and onions as the predominant ingredients. It has had great international diffusion as part of the Mediterranean diet and is highly recommended as a healthy dish.
2. Cocido Madrileño
If the previous one is a summer dish, “cocido madrileño” on the other hand is one of the preferred ones to face the harsh winter, not to mention that it is part of the identity of the Spanish capital. For a better experience, it is recommended to order a complete stew. This is a first course consisting of the broth resulting from cooking chickpeas with vegetables, followed by chorizo, blood sausage and bacon as a second course. As a suggestion to learn about culinary history, you should try and find out more information about the origins of one of Madrid’s delicacies.
3. Paella
It is fair to say that there is no country in the world where no one has ever uttered the word paella, which is a term born in the Valencian Community to identify the typical frying pan of the region. It is a dish that many consider to be the most representative of the country despite its relatively short time in the culinary scene. We are not exaggerating when we say that there are thousands of recipes for its elaboration; however, an authentic Valencian paella is prepared with rice from the region, rabbit meat, chicken, snails, white and green beans, tomato, paprika, salt, garlic and saffron.
4. Asturian fabada
Although this dish is typical of Asturias, you can now order it in all Spanish regions. Its popularity may be due to the fact that it is an excellent source of energy. It is made up of fabes (beans) cooked with chorizo, blood sausage, bacon, lacón, pig’s ear and pork ribs. The final touches include saffron and paprika as coloring, and optionally bay leaf to aromatize. In Asturias, quite generous portions of this dish are usually served, which constitutes a real challenge for some diners to consume completely.
5. Tortilla de Patata
Saying potato omelet is the same as saying Spain, as many Spaniards have this dish in their genes. Although it goes without saying, you can enjoy a potato omelet in every corner of the country. Despite being a simple dish with no adornments, many Spanish bars have it as their star dish. It is prepared by frying the potato in olive oil at low heat, adding salt. Drain and add the eggs to make the tortilla. It can be enriched by adding onion, something that has brought some controversy among purists, who claim that it detracts from its authenticity. Of course, you don’t have to go into those details.

6. Pulpo a Feira (Galician-style octopus)
If you ask the Galicians the secret for their “pulpo a feira”, they will most definitely tell you that you must know how to “scare” the octopus. Thy must be very successful at it, as this dish has achieved world renown. The cooking procedure is quite simple, as it involves introducing the octopus into a pot of boiling water for a few seconds, and repeating the action two or three times. This way the octopus preserves the skin at the same time that it is soft. To facilitate all this, it is common to freeze the piece before processing. You can order it served on a bed of potato wheels, sprinkled with sweet paprika and virgin olive oil.
7. Bull's Tail
The preparation and consumption of bull’s tail dates back to ancient times, and there is no better way to enjoy this delicacy than following the recipe originated in the Spanish city of Cordoba. When you try it you will realize how hard the people of Cordoba work when they prepare their stew combining onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, bay leaf, saffron, olive oil, red wine, pepper and salt to taste. Spain is without a doubt the best country in the world to enjoy this delicacy of tender meat, covered in a silky and bright sauce.
8. Serrano Ham
We can say without fear of exaggerating that there is no place in Spain where Serrano ham is not present, ready to be consumed in different ways depending on the place, season and occasion. This type of ham can only be found in the countryside, so it is considered one of the key factors to keep Spain in the top of world tourism. It is made from the hind legs of the pig, and the curing process takes place with the fresh air of the mountains (hence its name). Apart from all the possible combinations that it allows, nowadays it is part of the innovation in many of the traditional Spanish dishes.
9. Bacalao al pil pil
It is impossible to leave out of our recommendations this specialty of Basque cuisine, considered by our own and visitors to be one of the most delicious in Spain. Pil pil is the sauce that covers the cod as a result of the juices released by the fish when it coagulates with the oil. The juice is enriched by adding garlic to taste, and for a slightly spicy taste, a whole cayenne pepper.
10. Callos a la Madrileña
No list dealing with traditional Spanish cuisine would be complete without the Callos a la Madrileña, a dish that has been prepared in the country since time immemorial, especially in the winter season. The recipe includes tripe, hands, fresh veal stew with chickpeas, chorizo and blood sausage, mainly. You can also include ham and aromatize to taste with bay leaves, ground black pepper and vinegar. Of course it is possible to enjoy the dish in all corners of Spain.