INICIO - KEN'S Education Group

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You are just one step away from taking the most important decision of your life… to study in Canada

We know that this decision is not easy and we are by your side all the way.

Classroom learning, clever apps, conversational groups, summer camps or summer courses abroad are all excellent ways to engage with a language, but trust us, they are not a definitive solution to learning and speaking English.

There are no shortcuts. Don’t waste time or money on offers of a magic silver bullet. Instead, commit to learning English through hard work, immersion, time and motivation

The opportunity to study and live in Canada does not just ensure immersion in the English language. It provides you with an amazing, life-altering experience that will change the way that you look at the world.

Now that it is within your grasp, imagine for a moment, that your command of English is the key that will open all the doors and new opportunities in your life. Surely it is worth the effort?

We believe so and we believe in you

Ten reasons to study a full academic year in Canada

1· Improve your level of English

2· Make new friends

3· Achieve personal goals

4· Learn and experience a new education system

5· Improve your academic CV and stand out

Why study English?

6· Become an ambassador for your country

7· Have more employment opportunities

8· Grow as a person

9· Get to know a new culture

10· Clarify your career interests for the future

Why study in Canadá?

At Ken’s we know how important and reassuring it is to hear about the experiences of students who have studied in Canada and trusted in us. For this reason, before deciding, we will put you in contact with both students and parents so they can tell you all about their program experiences first hand.

Why Ken's?

We are not selling smoke and mirrors


We don’t sell programs to lazy or unmotivated students

We want you to learn English and discover all the doors that will open when you speak a language fluently, surpass intermediate level and confidently overcome the fear of speaking publicly. There is only one way to achieve this: effort, immersion and expert guidance. After just one year in Canada, we promise that your life will change radically.

We do not want to be a multinational corporation


We are not a company where you are seen as just a number

We only want to work with people who we can put a face to, and whose truth, needs, wishes, goals and interests we know. In this way we can guarantee to create high quality programs and thoughtful individual student placements that look after you and100% focused on your needs.


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Canada, the best place to learn English

In Canada, a comprehensive education is a national priority. Canadian education is not limited by academic aspects, but instead encompasses a broad set of competencies, values, capabilities and principles, all with the fundamental objective of maximizing the student’s potential at all levels.

Ask Us

When do I need to register?

We recommend that you reserve your place as soon as possible, as there are some programs, districts and destinations with limited places and dates. As a general rule, we advise students to register and reserve their places between five and six months before beginning their program.

At the point when students register their interest for a program, we inform them of set deadlines for their registration so that together, we will manage the timeframes in the best way possible.

When does the school year start and finish in Canada?

The Canadian school year always follows the Labour Day holiday in early September and finishes at the end of May.

Must all study programs be validated even if the subjects are different?

All of Ken’s full year academic programs must be validated by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Academic programs that are LESS THAN A FULL YEAR do not require validation nor evaluation by their school. Though validation of grades is not a legal requirement for shorter programs, many schools have their own evaluation system. Some teachers keep student report cards from Canada, some opt to evaluate learning upon their return, and others simply transfer the grades obtained over to the next trimester. In the case of a full academic year, your grades must be validated from your program, by the grades obtained at your Canadian High School. We know that this is an area of concern for parents and students. For this reason, you can count on Ken’s as specialists to help and support you throughout the entire validation process.

Can I choose my destination?

In line with your personal profile and preferences; our education team will recommend a number of destinations that will meet your needs. You may have a choice of a school district, within a town or region. Each school district offers a number of great schools to consider. In some cases, you will be able to choose an area, district or school in order of your preference. The final decision of a school is taken by each district.

In the case where you have a specific destination in mind, we will consider this request alongside your profile and needs and the available places at that time.

What holiday periods are enjoyed by students in Canada?

The main vacation periods in Canada are similar to those in Spain: Christmas, Easter and the Summer. However you can enjoy different holiday and festival periods in Canada like Thanksgiving (a long weekend in October in line with Harvest Festival), Spring Break/Reading Week (2-3 weeks in March) and Long Weekends (May 24th, Canada Day July 1st).

Will we be able to visit our son or daughter during vacation times?

This will depend on the type and length of program they are registered in. There are courses where it is not recommended to visit, so as not to interrupt the adjustment, integration, immersion and cultural acclimatization of the student. This aside, you will be in contact with your son or daughter and with the Host Family, by phone and virtually, throughout the duration of the program, whenever is convenient for you. Canada is at least 6 hours behind Spain (provinces of Ontario and Quebec).

When will we have details about the Host Family?

As the selection process is a diligent one, it can be long. Normally parents and students will know details of their Canadian Host Family a few weeks before they travel. In some cases, this is clarified a few months before. As a general rule, we recommend that before the students travel to Canada, they establish contact and start to get to know their Host Family, making the adjustment process upon arrival even easier.

Is it essential to have a good academic record?

Although it is not an exclusive requirement, the majority of our programs require a good academic record and an intermediate level of English. In addition, students who follow the IB course (International Baccalaureate) must come from a school with a similar academic standing.

What is the most suitable program to study abroad?

This depends on the personality, experience, maturity, interests, motivation and preparation of each student. During the personal interview and after analyzing the needs of each student, we make an assessment of the best individualized program, adapted to the profile of each student. 

Can my son or daughter continue with their sport or music practice?

Absolutely. In Canada, both sports and arts play a major part at the core of the education system. The majority of high schools have sports clubs, bands and choirs that students can immediately join.

Just 3 steps to register!

Personal Interview

Request an appointment for a Personal Interview with one of our academic advisors. They will recommend the linguistic, cultural and academic program best suited to your needs and interests.


Fill in the registration form and contract.

Submit the rest of the information online and pay conveniently, using our payment platform.

We will help you...

By giving you wings:

You will learn English comprehensively, investing your time and money in the best possible way. In all of our programs, everything is included, with no hidden extras.

By looking after you:

You are not just another number. We will look after you throughout the program. You will have a personal advisor, a 24 hour hotline and Ken’s monitor who will meet you at the airport to accompany you.

By offering the one course for you:  

You won’t go crazy choosing from hundreds of programs. Ken’s will design and offer a single program that best suits your needs.

By guiding you through the experience of a lifetime:

To speak a language is to live it. The activities and experience you will participate in will help you mature, alter your perspective and how you see life, the world and your place in it.

"Two roads diverged in the woods. I chose the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference."

Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken

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